Office Ergonomic Consulting

Ergonomic Consulting

One of the 3 “e’s” in e3 Office Furniture, stands for “ergonomic”.  Providing clients with the best ergonomic solutions to fit their budget is a basic guiding principle of our company. Below we discuss how our Office Furniture Consultants can help you in providing ergonomic solutions for your workplace and solving existing ergonomic issues being experienced by office workers.



Ergonomics 101

The word ergonomics comes from two Greek words:

  • ERGO:  meaning work
  • NOMOS: meaning laws

Ergonomics applied to office furniture design requires that we take into consideration how the products we design fit the people that are using them.  When products fit the user, the result can be more comfort, higher productivity, and less stress.

Our office furniture consultants will review with you the design choices you can make to help employees avoid strains and pains.  We will coordinate the services of an occupational therapist for the individuals with documented medical problems requiring special attention.

Free Ergonomic Audits

Free ergonomic audits provided to determine the cause of your problems

Ergonomic consulting is provided by professionals from many disciplines such as ergonomists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, and kinesiologists.  Anyone being treated for a repetitive strain injury should have a trained health professional complete a full ergonomic assessment to determine the modifications required to eliminate the problems in their current work environment.  Our office furniture consultants are trained in the principles of office ergonomics and they will provide you with a free ergonomic audit of your workplace. 

Ergonomic Assessments

One stop for all your ergonomic requirements

Getting a workplace ergonomic assessment done and implementing the recommendations can be a very time consuming and frustrating process for both the employer and the employee.  At e3 Office Furniture, we will coordinate the assessment, complete any required workplace modifications and source all ergonomic aids required to either get an employee back to work or reduce the pain they are presently experiencing at work.

We can help you cut the time in half that it takes to get the assessment done and the positive results achieved.  By shorting the time to improve the health, morale, and the productivity of your employees, we can reduce the overall costs to you.

Ergonomic Office Design

Good ergonomic design will save you money

Our office furniture consultants have helped many customers, as well as ergonomic consultants, solve problems caused by poor ergonomic designs.  It is the knowledge gained from this experience that we bring to you when providing ergonomic choices. We will provide you with several solutions within your budget to address your needs and to prevent the need for replacing your furniture again at a future date.

Ergonomic Workstations and Cubicles

Put our experience to work for you

We have worked with occupational therapists, facility managers, buyers, real estate managers and human resource managers, individually and as a part of team, to create new ergonomic standards to guide future office purchases.   We are often engaged with multi-disciplined teams to come up with designs that address the expectations of all stakeholders.  We can help you make good ergonomic choices for your workplace.

Selecting the Right Chair

We will help you select the right chair to fit you

While most standard ergonomic office chairs are designed to fit 90% of the population, the other 10% of the population may need a chair with some custom features to fit them.  Every chair provides a different fit and feel.  Depending on your weight and height, you may need a chair with a different size seat or pneumatic height adjustment.

We will help you select the chair that is best fits you, your sitting habits, your work demands, and your budget.  While a new ergonomic chair will improve your comfort at work, all aspects of your workspace should be examined if you are experience pain while working.  Our office furniture consultants are available to visit your place of work to examine aspects of your workspace that may be the cause of your pain. 

Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries

Create new ergonomic standards to prevent repetitive strain injuries

We can help you create new ergonomic standards for your workplace that will help prevent repetitive strain injuries from occurring in other employees. 

By creating new standards, you will be implementing a proactive strategy to managing the health and safety of the workplace of your employees.

Ergonomic Programs

Why ergonomics programs make good business sense

An ergonomics program and standards are a benefit for companies – not a cost.  An ergonomics program takes a systematic approach and offers businesses a strategy to eliminating unnecessary musculoskeletal disorders from occurring in the workplace.  The five main reasons for an ergonomics program are as follows:

  • A proactive ergonomic program ensures that you do not inadvertently injury your employees.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders are preventable, and these injuries cost your business money daily.
  • It costs no more to choose a good ergonomic design for a workspace then it is to choose a bad design.
  • Good ergonomic programs focus on reducing costs to your company by:
    • Reducing injuries
    • Reducing absenteeism
    • Reducing employee errors
  • Good ergonomics programs are ALWAYS cost-effective – they save more than they cost. Many studies have shown this.  A basic program of educating workers in ergonomics and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders is in a company’s best interests and will result in improved productivity.

Call us today to learn more about creating an ergonomics program at your workplace.

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